Maui Art Gallery offers world’s first 4 Phase paintings

Looking for artwork that is unique, beautiful and memorable, just stop by the Maui Art Gallery in Kihei. Here, you’ll discover the first-ever “4 Phase” paintings – the brainchild of artist Michael John Peters.

According to Michael, “It’s the world’s first artwork that visually changes depending on the environment. My artwork exists in 4 visual states depending upon the environment of which it occupies. Almost organically the artwork changes before your eyes. Sometimes in a split second. Sometimes fading in and out of its phases. Most people think it’s some shimmering paint like a chameleon when I describe it.  It’s not. It’s a real change. You have to see it for yourself.”

As a resident to Maui for over 20 years, Michael continues to be inspired by his island home. “There’s no place I'd rather be. And, as my 4 Phase artwork continues to evolve, it’s an exciting reminder that there is still room in the world to do something completely original.”

Michael John Peters’ artwork is available online at, at the Maui Art Gallery in Azeka Shopping Center, Freeborne and Bootzie galleries in Shops of Wailea, and Gallery Rafael on Front Street. Kama‘aina receive 20% off.

Maui Art Gallery
Azeka Shopping Center
1279 S Kihei Road, Kihei
Ph: 808-818-8891

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